2020 Water Educator Symposium & Project WET Workshop

 Registration is closed for this event

Are you an educator who teaches adults or school-age children about water in Colorado?  Join us virtually for our annual Water Educator Symposium and Project WET workshop, August 20-21!

Water Educator Symposium
August 20, 2020

The annual symposium includes training and professional development as well as a time for educators around the state to gather, share best practices, learn from each other and problem-solve to overcome challenges in water education. Educators, water professionals and decision-makers are encouraged to attend.

Project WET Educator Workshop
August 21, 2020

Our Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) workshop provides a hands-on immersion in a water education curriculum recommended by the National Science Teachers Association.  In the workshop, facilitators will model four activities and participants plan and teach a lesson to peers and receive feedback from workshop facilitators.  Participants who successfully complete the training receive a Project WET Educator certification and Project WET Curriculum Guide 2.0 (Guide 2.0 costs $27).

You may register for one or both of the events.  We will send you a gift certificate to pucharse a breakfast and lunch for the day of your event(s). 

Contact: Scott Williamson, Education and Outreach Coordinator, scott@wateredco.org

August 20th, 2020 9:00 AM to August 21st, 2020 3:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
Water Educator Symposium on 8/20
Full Admission $105.00
Discounted Admission $85.00
I am not attending the Symposium. $0.00
Project WET Educator Workshop 8/31
Full Admission $105.00
Discounted Admission $85.00
I am not attending the Project WET Workshop. $0.00
Project WET Guidebook
Project WET 2.0 guidebook $27.00
I have the guidebook already/I am not attending the Project WET workshop. $0.00
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