Water Educator Network
Building Knowledge and Confidence in Community Water Stewardship – Exploring Shared Strategies in Colorado’s Statewide Water Education Action Plan
Dive into one of the eight measurable outcomes and associated strategies identified in SWEAP, Colorado’s Statewide Water Education Action Plan. Through presentations and small-group workshopping, participants will explore:
- Options to curate and promote an accessible source for current, factual information on a broad array of important water topics;
- Opportunities to support hands-on project-based learning and service opportunities for water-related issues; and
- Ways to incentivize and reduce barriers to participation in training for underrepresented groups and geographic areas.
This workshop is not just for education and outreach professionals! Join us to gain ideas and insights for ways you can support and promote water education and outreach efforts within your organization and community even when it’s not your defined role.
Collective impact for water education
The Water Educator Network (WEN) supports and connects Colorado’s education and outreach professionals dedicated to advancing understanding about water. Through the WEN website, Google group, workshops and webinars, education and outreach professionals interact, share resources, gain access to professional development opportunities and trusted water information, and collaborate with their colleagues.
Who we are
Water Educator Network affiliates are water education and outreach professionals across the state, from professors, researchers and formal teachers to local government employees, water utility professionals and nonprofit outreach coordinators, who are enhancing the amount, quality and effectiveness of water education throughout Colorado. Working locally but with a collective aim, we’re moving the needle on water awareness and understanding across the state.
Valuable opportunities for WEN affiliates
The Water Educator Network is a unique opportunity to learn, collaborate, and stay up-to-date in the evolving industry of water education.
As an affiliate of WEN, you’ll receive opportunities specially designed to fit a Colorado water educator’s needs. These include professional development and resources focused on implementation of strategies identified in the Statewide Water Education Action Plan for Colorado (SWEAP). As an affiliate of WEN, you’ll receive:
- Opportunities for Networking and Collaboration: Water Education Colorado convenes frequent events, bringing together a statewide group of water educators. Gather to discuss needs, successes and challenges, and to explore partnerships with a dedicated group of peers.
- Customized Communication: A customized quarterly e-newsletter brings water educators and outreach professionals the latest in Colorado water education and outreach. Look for content on training opportunities, upcoming funding, and new programs. Affiliates have the opportunity to share content via the WEN e-newsletter and the WEN Google group.
Affiliates submit your upcoming events and happenings for consideration in WEco and WEN electronic print materials.
Statewide Water Education Action Plan (SWEAP)
Affiliates of the Water Educator Network helped develop the Statewide Water Education Action Plan for Colorado (SWEAP), which was finalized in November 2019. SWEAP is a common agenda for water education’s role in achieving sustainable water for Colorado by 2050. Affiliates of the Water Educator Network will help lead implementation of SWEAP.
Click to learn more about SWEAP and view the Plan or watch the video below:
Colorado Project WET
As the host institution for Project WET in Colorado, Water Education Colorado helps connect Water Educator Network affiliates and other educators around the state to Project WET curriculum, resources and training. For a detailed overview of the Project WET program in Colorado, view the webinar below.
Check out Project WET’s Home and Distance Learning Resources to gain ideas for how to engage audiences in virtual learning in a dynamic and interactive way.
A 2018 webinar focused on Colorado’s new state standards and opportunities to connect environmental and water education. View the live webinar recording.
Connect with a Water Educator!
Are you looking for a speaker on water issues in Colorado or in your community? Are you a water educator looking to share resources with other water educators? Visit the Water Educator Network (WEN) Directory and connect with a water educator today!