Water Educator Network Directory

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Water Educator Network Directory - Donny Roush Jr.

Donny Roush Jr.
Colorado Watershed Assembly
Programs by River Basin
South Platte
Program Audience Type
K-12 Students, K-12 Educators/Professionals, Higher Education Students, Higher Education Educators/Professionals, Regional Stakeholders, Water Professionals, General Public, Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Groups
Programs Offered
K-12 Curriculum, Publications/Printed Materials, Online Resources or E-Courses, Professional Development Opportunities, Youth Leadership Development
Program Topics
Basic Colorado Water 101, Colorado Water History, Local River Basin Overview, Climate and Water, Hydrology, Groundwater, Water Quality, Watershed and River Health, Wastewater, Stormwater, Water Supply, Water Administration/Management, Water Law and Policy, Water Conservation, Water and Land Use Planning, Water in Agriculture, Water and Energy, Water and Recreation, Water Data/Software, Pedagogy (how to teach), Community Engagement, Volunteer Management, Evaluation, Colorado Academic Standards
Project WET
Facilitator, Educator
Program Languages
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