Innovation in Land Conservation and Water

Aired March 9, 2021

As land trusts conserve private land, they also protect water rights. Some of Colorado’s land trusts are going beyond the parcel-by-parcel approach to conservation and are tackling big water challenges in a regional way. During this webinar, we hear about two visionary projects: Colorado Open Lands and partners in the San Luis Valley are reimagining conservation easements and putting them to work to slow groundwater decline and encourage aquifer sustainability. And the Palmer Land Conservancy is protecting irrigated farmland east of Pueblo along the Bessemer Ditch with conservation easements and, thanks to a landscape-scale analysis, Palmer is combatting the effects of buy and dry by keeping water on the area’s most productive ag land.

With speakers:

Melissa Daruna, Keep It Colorado

Sarah Parmar, Colorado Open Lands

Ed Roberson, Palmer Land Conservancy

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