Learn about Methods for Stream Management Planning at the New Resource Library

Just like individuals, each Stream Management Plan is unique. The people and the location greatly influence their goals and activities.  But there is also a common blueprint, documented at CWCB and River Network’s SMP Resource Library. For each step in the planning process, it presents examples, best practices, online resources, and methods to consider.  The goal of the SMP Resource Library is to enlarge the pipeline of local coalitions that are interested, ready, and capable of undertaking Stream Management Plans, as well as advance the state of knowledge around how to craft effective and implementable SMPs.

If you are just Getting Started, explore the difference between SMPs and IWMPs or begin a review of sources of existing data.

If you’d like ideas on how to successfully Engage Stakeholders, take a look at ways to gather input from the broader community, or approaches for engaging agricultural interests.

If you are Defining the Purpose and Scope, read about best practice in hiring a technical consultant, explore SMPs at differing geographic scales, or review a table of possible goals and key questions.

If you are Assessing Conditions, there is a wealth of information on selecting an assessment framework, as well as the data sources and approaches you can consider for everything from analyzing hydrology to evaluating consumptive water uses to understanding the fishery.

Resource Library case studies will be updated annually as SMPs progress. Experts in the different assessment areas (hydrology, water quality, recreation, riparian habitat, etc.) are encouraged to submit their ideas and feedback so it can continue to grow and improve.

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